Is there a way to restore the initial image and have the computer back to the way it was when I received it?
Yes, there is a way.
If your computer has the Windows 7 operating system, please press the F6 key before the computer starts. Then, you will be asked if the device has a password. If so, please enter it and press the ok button; if not, just click on ok and choose “Advanced Mode” option to reset the system to the factory.
If your computer has the Windows 10 operating system, it is prepared to automatically enter the recovery system if it fails to start 3 times in a row. If this is not the case, we suggest that you contact us
The equipment has wear marks. Is supposed?
The equipment you purchased is a refurbished one which means that it may have already been used by another user. Wear marks are cosmetic damage to the housings, which do not affect operation or performance.
My laptop comes with a keyboard that is not Portuguese. How should I proceed?
When refurbishing, we have already prepared the keys to take on the Portuguese alphabet and scoring system, now it is enough to paste the stickers we sent with your computer.
The operating system is not activated. How should I proceed?
Please connect your computer to the internet. Select start menu, with the right mouse button, choose system / activate Windows and enter the password that is in the license that is on your device. If the equipment is an SFF or a Tower, you will probably find the license at the top or on the side; if it is a portable computer, it is more likely that you will find it on the bottom or under the battery. If the license is partly protected by a “scratch card” film, which covers part of the numbers, please scratch that place using, for example, a coin and you will have the full number.
Windows tells me that it is not genuine. And now?
The image we created when refurbishing includes a pre-activation valid for 30 days. In this case, the reconditioning of your equipment has been carried out for more than 30 days, hence the error you are verifying. Please connect your computer to the internet. Select start menu, with the right mouse button, choose system / activate Windows and enter the password that is in the license that is on your device. If the equipment is an SFF or a Tower, you will probably find the license at the top or on the side; if it is a portable computer, it is more likely that you will find it on the bottom or under the battery. If the license is partly protected by a “scratch card” film, which covers part of the numbers, please scrape that place using, for example, a coin and you will have the full number.
What if Windows still doesn't activate?
Please choose the Microsoft telephone activation system.
My computer does not come in perfect clean condition. What should I do?
We ask you to help us improve on this point. Please inform us here Our equipment can be cleaned with a soft cloth, possibly wet (but little) and without detergents.
One of the peripherals does not work. I already checked and it comes installed. How should I proceed?
What is happening is that the driver does not have a program that interprets it. So we suggest that you do a new installation. Select the correct program, from the manufacturer's list, choosing the correct equipment, according to the driver in question.
The laptop I purchased has no COA. What do I do?
In most notebooks, in order to protect the physical integrity of the COA, it is glued to the inside of the space reserved for the battery.
I am entering the license number but it is not valid. What should I do?
Please check that you are entering the correct key, as the following confusions are common:
• B and 8
• G and 6
• A and 4
• O and Q and 0
If you still have problems please contact our services +351 224 005 090
I received my computer and when I plugged it in it is in a continuous loop on the Windows 7 logo. What should I do?
Please turn off the computer and reconnect and try to access the BIOS using the F2, F10 or F12 key depending on the brand of equipment. Then access the SATA settings and change the configuration to AHCI, click F10 to save and exit and this way, the equipment should start up normally. If the problem persists, please contact our technical support services at
My Windows tells me that it is already activated. What should I do?
Please contact Microsoft telephone services at the number available on your screen.